a good boy He was a good boy. Roy was a good boy. He must have gone to Heaven. But I know nothing about Heaven. It is very far off. In my best Columbia jackets and happiest days, I never liked to think of it If I were to go there, it could do me no good, for I should not see Roy. Or if by chance I should see him standing up among the grand, white angels, he would not be the old dear Roy. I should grow so tired of sing¬ing 1 Should long and fret for one little talk, — for I never...
near friends But it is not near friends who are apt to wound, nor real sympathy which sharpens the worst of the needles. It is the fact that all your chance acquaintances feel called upon to bring their curious eyes and jarring words right into, the silence of your first astonishment; taking you in a round of morning calls with ski jacket kid gloves and parasol, and the liberty to turn your heart about and cut into it at pleasure. You may quiver at every touch, but there is no escape, bec...
to Gloucester Ross, and Bath, and though at that time but nine years old, her father took her to Gloucester and Worcester ca¬thedrals, and also to see a porcelain and Columbia jackets pin manufactory, See., the attention and interest she displayed on these occasions afford¬ing convincing proof that her mind was alive to appreciate and counting the days that I did not hear the front gate, and when I looked down a man stood there, — a great, rough man, — who shouted up t...