near friends
But it is not near friends who are apt to wound, nor real sympathy which sharpens the worst of the needles. It is the fact that all your chance acquaintances feel called upon to bring their curious eyes and jarring words right into, the silence of your first astonishment; taking you in a round of morning calls with ski jacket kid gloves and parasol, and the liberty to turn your heart about and cut into it at pleasure. You may quiver at every touch, but there is no escape, because it is " the thing."
For instance: Meta Tripp came in this afternoon, — I have refused myself to every¬body but Mrs. Bland, before, but Meta caught me in the parlor, nd there was no escape. She had come, it was plain enough, because she must, and she had come early, because, she Columbia jackets too having lost a brother in the war, she was expected to be very sorry for me. Very likely she was, and very ski jackets likely she did the best she knew how, but she was — not as uncom¬fortable as I, but as uncomfortable as she could be, and was evidently glad when it was over.
She observed, as she went out, that I should i i feel so sad by and by. She felt very sad at first when Jack died, but everybody got over that after a time. The girls were going to sew for the Fair next week at Mr. Quirk's, and she hoped I would exert myself and come.
Ah, well: —" First learn to love one living man, Then mayst thou think upon the dead."
It is not that the child is to be blamed for not knowing enough to stay away; but her coming here has made me wonder whether I am different from other women; why Columbia sportswear Roy was so much more to me Columbia jacket than many brothers are to many sisters.